Give your customers what they
even if they don’t know it yet !
Delight your customers with personalized engagement at every interaction point. In geek speak, Datsy Suggest is an AI powered personalization & recommendation engine
30 Day free trial, no credit card required
Your customers expect you to understand them
Provide personalized experience to win customers, not just a sale
Datsy Suggest helps you to understand your customers and present them with personalized recommendations
Personalized customer experience has never been so nimble
Convert your digital platform into customer’s personal asset, without any heavy-lifting
Datsy Suggest helps you deliver customer centric, personalized experience, at ease
Your business is as unique as your customer need
Personalized customer experience use cases, tailored to your business domain
and more...
Digital Media (OTT)
and more...
E - Learning
and more...
and more...
Datsy Suggest enables every interaction point with customer specific recommendations
Personalization delivered through seamless integrations
APIs, SDKs, plug-ins or custom adapters, any mode of integration required, we got you covered
Datsy Suggest delivers personalized customer experience through seamless integrations
Try Datsy Suggest AI powered personalization & recommendation engine
Improve customer experience – Increase customer engagement – Increase customer retention
Increase customer loyalty – Increase revenue per customer – Increase brand value
Start your 30 day free trial now, no credit card required !
Talk to one of our experts
Book your convenient time, we will be happy to answer all of your queries about Datsy
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